We have had performance issues when loading the bulk data into the AWS Aurora. The bulk load performance was so bad that it was nearly worthless pushing around 2 million rows in to AWS Aurora. We were inserting about 1000 records per second. This was much worse comparing with the other MySQL counterparts like MySQL, MariaDB etc.
However a few tweaks to the parameter and it resolved most of the performance issues we faced in the bulk Load.
The solution is to add two parameters when you connect to the AWS Aurora jdbc for bulk load.
These two parameters are :
Your full JDBC connection string should look like
“jdbc:mysql://host:3306/db?useServerPrepStmts=false&rewriteBatchedStatements=true", "username", “password””
Once we changed these parameters, the performance was blazing fast. We were able to load the 2 million rows in flat 3 minutes.
The Aurora Sever used in the benchark was r3.xlarge.
However a few tweaks to the parameter and it resolved most of the performance issues we faced in the bulk Load.
The solution is to add two parameters when you connect to the AWS Aurora jdbc for bulk load.
These two parameters are :
Your full JDBC connection string should look like
“jdbc:mysql://host:3306/db?useServerPrepStmts=false&rewriteBatchedStatements=true", "username", “password””
Once we changed these parameters, the performance was blazing fast. We were able to load the 2 million rows in flat 3 minutes.
The Aurora Sever used in the benchark was r3.xlarge.
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